Scott Stillman was born in Fairfield, Ohio, and then moved to Colorado, in 2003. Wandering mountains, deserts, and oceans, he records his journeys with pen and notebook, writing primarily about our spiritual connection to nature.

Scott is the bestselling author of Wilderness, the Gateway to the Soul, Nature’s Silent Message, I Don't Want to Grow Up, Oceans of my Mind, Solace of Winter, Nature Therapy, and Wilderness Speaks.

As our culture continues to remove itself from the natural world, Scott’s books provide refreshing insight, showing that there’s life outside the regimen—hope beyond the pavement.

He and his wife, Valerie, have lived in a truck camper and worked a slew of unconventional jobs to fund their travels and stay on the wilderness path.

You can find him on social media at:

If the mood strikes, send him an email at:

"In wilderness, the sermon is delivered by no man, but rather by the rocks themselves, the air you breathe, the plants, the clouds, and the sky above."

About The Author